Shinsaku Sakaue
Shinsaku Sakaue

About Me

I am a project research associate at UTokyo IST, researcher at NTT CSLab, and visiting scientist at RIKEN AIP.

  • Discrete/Continuous Optimization
  • Online Learning
  • Algorithmic Game Theory
  • PhD Informatics

    Kyoto University

  • MSc Information Science and Technology

    The University of Tokyo

  • BEng Mathematical Engineering

    The University of Tokyo


  1. Visiting Scientist

    RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
  2. Project Research Associate

    The University of Tokyo
  3. Researcher

    NTT Communication Science Laboratories


  1. PhD Informatics

    Kyoto University
  2. MSc Information Science and Technology

    The University of Tokyo
  3. BEng Mathematical Engineering

    The University of Tokyo
IEICE TC-IBISML Research Award 2017
IBISML ∙ November 2018
  • Exercise course of geometry (2020–2024 Autumn, The University of Tokyo)
  • Short exercise course of numerical methods (2020 Spring & Autumn, The University of Tokyo)
  • Short exercise course of discrete methods (2022–2024 Spring & Autumn, The University of Tokyo)
Featured Papers
All Papers
(2025). Inverse Optimization with Prediction Market: A Characterization of Scoring Rules for Elciting System States. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), to appear.
(2025). Revisiting Online Learning Approach to Inverse Linear Optimization: A Fenchel–Young Loss Perspective and Gap-Dependent Regret Analysis. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), to appear.
(2024). Generalization bound and learning methods for data-driven projections in linear programming. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).